Matematick advances its features

All of us, at a certain point in time, needed a Mathematics professional or geek, who we wished was available for us 24/7, so that we could make sense of those long, difficult, forever-lasting Mathematics questions. Of course, hiring one of those professionals 24/7, would cost us a fortune. Even if we look at all the available online Mathematics platforms, we realize that none of those platforms offer us a unique solution to this problem, unfortunately. What we see is that all those platforms only provide standardized lectures which do not address the specific questions that we have.

With this in mind, our team had the idea of developing as an online Mathematics platform which, will serve as that Mathematics professional or geek, who will be available 24/7 for helping you to solve all those long, difficult, forever-lasting Mathematics questions that you have. No matter where you are or no matter what the time is, all it takes you is, to become a member, take a picture of your question, posit it on our question/answer format, and expect the right answer.

Now, let’s suppose that you have a long question which needs a detailed explanation that cannot be done through writing. In such cases, all you have to do is, request a video call. Our video call service enables you to ask your question in person and have it answered and explained by one of our tutors to you directly. The video call service will highly diminish the possibility of you not understanding the answer. This is a brand new feature which will make users feel like they have a personal tutor 24/7, while enjoying the comfort of their homes.

Additionally, for the truly dedicated learner, we also offer highly qualified personal tutors. Our tutors will work with you one-to- one to create a personalized tutorial in any topic you require. In addition, your personal tutor will follow your progress and stay available whenever you have any difficulty with a particular problem. And if one day you succeed and wish to pay it forward, why not become a tutor yourself? Join our great network of tutors and become part of a global community of individuals who share their knowledge and experience with others.

Moreover, we offer online Math lectures for students of all levels. Through our video tutorials, you will have the chance to learn Mathematics up to the smallest detail. Lessons include Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Probability, and Combinatorics. If you are preparing for one of those highly important entrance exams, we have also prepared lectures for GMAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and YOS examinations which will be served to you for free. We believe that all of us need a hand with Mathematics. That is why we developed interactive tools to make that hand available to you at any time you need it.